The Biennial PJA
Sponsored PJ Rodeo
PJ Rodeo competitors participate in scored events, with many located at the Hotel open areas, hospitality suites and other locations. Everyone enjoys seeing the current PJ Warrior Force demonstrating today’s skills, procedures and gear.
Photo Highlights from the recent Biennal PJ Rodeo Events…
(click on an image to expand and scroll through the gallery)
PJ Rodeo
Calendar of Events
> Name Tags are Worn During all Social Events <
June 15th / Sunday
PJR Competitor Registration Gear-Up,
and PJ Rodeo Competitor In-Briefing
- 1600 – 2000
Registration, Stage Gear - 1800 – Welcome Brief
(Required for all Competitors)
June 16th / Monday
PJR Competition
- 0700 – 1600 Precision Parachuting,
Boulder City Airport - 1800 – Competitor Social Rm,
Open nightly, Social – TBD
June 17th / Tuesday
PJR Competition
- 0700 – 1600 Marksmanship Challenge
Pro Gun Club / Location
12801 Old U.S. 95, Boulder City NV 89005 - 0800 – SLWG Sponsor Presentations/(Tue–Fri) STC
- 1800 – 2000 – Competitor Social/SLWG Location TBA, Sponsored by: Public Safety Training Group
June 18th / Wednesday
PJR Competition
- 0700 – 1500 Monster Mash
- 0800 – SLWG Sponsor Presentations
(Tuesday – Friday) - 1800 – 2400 Opening Ceremony
Icebreaker. Jump Demo?/Drone Flag? - 1700 – 2400 PJA Hospitality Social Rm
June 19th / Thursday
PJR Competition
- 0700 – 1500 Urban High Angle Ropes
Tactical Medicine South Point Hotel - 0800 – TBA SLWG Sponsor Presentations/(Tuesdy–Friday)
- 1200 – 1400 Sponsors
SLWG Set Down Lunch & Brief - 1830 – 2400 Hospitality Rm and Suite
- 1800 – Salute to the 58th
June 20th / Friday
Final PJR Competition
- TBA SLWG Sponsor Presentations/(Tue–Fri)
- 0800 – 1000 Sponsors / SLWG Plated Breakfast
- 0800-1100 Mystery Games,
Final Competition + 1 PJA Member - 1000-1600 – STAR Vendor Trade Show
South Point Exhibit Hall, Unit Static Display
Recruiting Stations / VA Assistance /SLWG - 1700 – 1800 Competitor Rehearsals
Sponsors / SLWG, Competitors , Photos - 1800-2000* Rodeo Award Ceremony
Call to seats, Guest Speakers,
Event Open to all Visitors, Cash Bar
June 22nd / Sunday – Check out
And…. Another Spectacular PJA Reunion & PJ Rodeo comes to an end, but the memories of events and ceremonies will be remembered and relived again, and again. This we do for the brotherhood…
Don’t unpack! The location and date for the next PJ Rodeo and Biennial PJ Association ReUnion in the works!