Donate to the PJ Rodeo
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Donation to the PJ Rodeo
Contribute to
the PJ Rodeo
We are dependent on sponsors, members and friends of the PJ Association and the PJ Rodeo to fund administrative and operational costs.
Your donations serve to fund low administrative costs and associated events, activities and the ever well-attended PJ Rodeo and PJA Reunion.
We recognize that today’s history, is tomorrow’s headline.
All Officers, Members of the Board of Directors and participating members volunteer their services.
100% of PJ Association membership fees, sponsorship and and donations fund the missions and projects identified to the Board of Directors who serve PJ Association members, our generous sponsors and friends of the PJ Rodeo.
Help us make every event a success. Donate generously, to the PJ Rodeo.
Support the
Bi-Annual PJ Rodeo
Today, we are writing tomorrow’s headlines.
Accruing sponsorships, donations and PJA Membership dues serve to fund our low administrative costs.
PJ Rodeo events, activities and the ever well-attended PJA Reunions are funded by your support.